Wales became the world’s first fair trade nation in June 2008 following a two-year campaign by the organisation Fair Trade Wales. This was funded by the Welsh Assembly Government to increase the awareness of fair trade products across Wales and encourage schools, businesses and other organisations to switch to Fair Trade.
Since becoming a Fair Trade Nation:
* 11 more towns have set up Fair Trade groups, meaning that 70% of Welsh towns are now actively supporting and promoting Fair Trade
* a total of 600 schools in Wales are now registered on the Fairtrade School Scheme (approximately a fifth of all UK schools on the scheme)
* the National Eisteddfod and Hay Literary Festivals agreed to adopt Fair Trade policies
* Arriva Trains Wales have switched to Fairtrade hot drinks on all of their services
* more than 40,000 people across Wales took part in activities to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight 2009 (23 February – 8 March)
Ms Davidson said, “Wales should be proud to be the world’s first Fair Trade Nation. We have made a real difference to the everyday lives of producers, helping them trade their way out of poverty.
“Fair trade has an impact around the world. It guarantees farmers in developing countries a fair price for their products and allows them to plan for the future. It is about empowering people to help themselves and also a way for us all to play our part in Making Poverty History.”
Fair Trade guarantees farmers in developing countries a fair price for their products. Because this price is stable it allows them to plan for their future.
Fair Trade promises:
*A fair price to producers in developing countries – enough to pay a living wage
*No child labour
*Decent working conditions
*Protection of the environment
* Rights for women
*A social premium – which supports community projects such as building schools and health clinics