Friday, 25 February 2011


On Friday 11th March, Ammanford's annual Giant Fairtrade Banana Split will once again be built, and eaten, in the town's College Street Arcade.
The event, now in its third year, sees local people coming together to build the 30 foot long Fairtrade treat to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight, which seeks to raise awareness around Fairtrade issues, encouraging people to buy Fairtrade products which ensure fair prices and decent working and living conditions for farmers and workers in the developing world.
With Comic Relief's Red Nose Day being the following Friday (18th March), Red Nose merchandise will also be on sale on the night, adding to the carnival atmosphere.
The Banana Split will be ready to eat at 6pm on Friday 11th March, but anyone who would like to help set it up, or get involved in organising other Fairtrade events in Ammanford, should contact Phil Broadhurst from Ammanford Fairtrade Town Group on 01269 596933 or

Photos attached show the first Fairtrade Banana Split in 2009.

Ar ddydd Gwener 11 Mawrth bydd Banana Split enfawr Rhydaman yn cael ei adeliadu a’I fwyta unwaith eto yn Arcade y dref.
Mae’r digwyddiad, sydd bellach ar ei drydedd flwyddyn, yn gweld pobl lleol yn dod at eu gilydd I adeiladu banana split masnach deg 30 troedfedd o hyd I ddathlu Pythefnos Masnach Deg. Wrth wneud hyn mae’n codi ymwybyddiaeth am faterion masnach Deg ac annog pobl I brynu nwyddau Masnach Deg er mwyn sicrhau prisiau ac amodau gweithio teg I’r ffermwyr a gweithwyr yn y byd datblygol.
Wrth i ddiwrnod Trwynau Coch fod yr wythnos ganlynol (Mawrth 18) bydd nwyddau trwynau coch ar werth yn ogystal gan ychwanegua t yr awyrgylch hwylus.
Bydd y banana split yn barod i’w fwyta am 6.00pm ar Nos Wener 11 Mawrth, felly dewch yn llu.

Os oes yna unrhyw un sydd eisiau cynorthwyo ei osod neu yn teimlo fel ymuno mewn trefnu digwyddiadau Masnach Deg yn Rhydaman yna cysylltwch a Phil Broadhurst ar 01269 596933 or

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Fair Trade Fortnight in Carmarthenshire SCHOOLS - 2011

To start Fair Trade Fortnight in Carmarthenshire with a bang, Wyn Williams the Head of Education Services will be raising the first Fair Trade flag to be awarded to a primary school in the county at Llanddarog primary school.

The School meals service will be playing their part in the celebrations and special Fair Trade puddings will be available in primary schools
The theme of Fair Trade fortnight this year is “cotton”. The Fair Trade Foundation have published a School Action Guide which can be found at the web address below

Cotton Bunting

This Fair Trade Fortnight, one of the many ways to show off about Fair Trade will be to paint, draw or sew a piece of Fair Trade cotton bunting to express what Fair Trade means to you. We then want people to get loud and proud by hanging the bunting in prominent places that will get lots of attention – like your local event, in your shop or somewhere more public.
When Fairtrade Fortnight's over, we're going to stitch them all together in an attempt to break the world record for the longest continual piece of bunting to help tell more people about how Fairtrade cotton protects the livelihoods of cotton farmers in West Africa and India.
For your free Fair Trade bunting or for more information visit the link below:

Pythefnos Masnach Deg yn YSGOLION Sir Gâr - 2011

I roi cychwyn tan gamp i’r Pythefnos Masnach Deg yn Sir Gâr bydd Wyn Wlliams, Pennaeth y Gwasanaethau Addysg, yn ymweld ag Ysgol Gynradd Llanddarog i godi’r faner Fasnach Deg gyntaf i’w dyfarnu i ysgol gynradd yn y sir.

Bydd y Gwasanaeth Prydau Ysgol yn cyfrannu at y dathliadau a bydd pwdinau Masnach Deg ar gael yn yr ysgolion cynradd.
“Cotwm” yw thema’r Pythefnos Masnach Deg eleni. Mae’r Gymdeithas Fasnach Deg wedi cyhoeddi cyfarwyddyd i ysgolion, y gellir ei gyrchu drwy fynd i’r wefan isod:

Fflagiau Cotwm

Yn ystod y Pythefnos Masnach Deg hwn, un o’r ffyrdd o roi sylw i Fasnach Deg fydd paentio, darlunio, neu wnïo fflagiau cotwm Masnach Deg i gyfleu’r hyn y mae Masnach Deg yn ei olygu i chi. Wedyn rydym am i bobl hongian y fflagiau mewn mannau amlwg lle bydd llawer o sylw’n cael ei roi iddynt – yn eich digwyddiad lleol, yn eich siop, neu yn rhywle mwy cyhoeddus.
Pan fydd y Pythefnos Masnach Deg ar ben, rydym yn mynd i bwytho’r fflagiau i gyd at ei gilydd mewn ymgais i dorri record y byd am y rhes hiraf o fflagiau, er mwyn helpu i ddweud wrth ragor o bobl am sut mae cotwm Masnach Deg yn diogelu bywoliaeth ffermwyr cotwm yng Ngorllewin Affrica ac India.
I gael eich fflagiau Masnach Deg am ddim neu i gael rhagor o wybodaeth, gweler y wefan isod:

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Meet The People Tours

Meet the People Tours

Meet the People Tours are a joint venture between Traidcraft, the UK's leading fair trade organisation and Saddle Skedaddle, a small independent tour operator. The range of tours are managed by Skedaddle in conjunction with Traidcraft.

If you are interested in fair trade and are looking for an opportunity to meet the people behind the products, to see the impact of fair trade, the benefits of Traidcrafts work, fighting poverty through trade, then these holidays are for you.

You’ll learn something of the different cultures, visit development projects and sites of interest, meet a wide variety of people, including some Traidcraft producers and have your ideas of developing countries challenged.

For more information go to  -