Monday, 11 May 2009


This year's Christian Aid Week (2009) is on May 10-16. Ammanford's Churches and Chapels, who are all supporters of Fairtrade, will be taking part in the week. The start of the activities was a Bilingual United Bilingual Service on Sunday night at 5.30 at Gellimanwydd Chapel. Then during the week members of Ammanford's Chapels and Churches will be undetaking the street collections. The red and white envelopes are well known to everyone by now and the support from Ammanford residents is always an honourable one. The week will come to an end on Friday 15 May, when members of the Church in Wales will be holding a coffee morning at the Church Hall, Wind Street from 10 -12.

Cynehlir Wythnos Cymorth Cristnogol eleni ar Mai 10-16. I ddechrau'r gweithgareddau byddwn yn cynnal Gwasanaeth Undebol dwyieithog yng Ngellimanwydd am 5.30 Nos Sul y 10ed. Yna yn ystod yr wythnos bydd aelodau capeli ac eglwysi Rhydaman yn casglu ar draws y dref. Mae'r amlenni coch a gwyn yn gyfarwydd iawn i bawb bellach ac mae cefnogaeth Rhydaman wastad yn anrhydeddus dros ben. Bydd yr wythnos yn dod i ben ar 15 Mai pan fydd aelodau yr Eglwys yng Nghymru yn cynnal bore coffi yn Neuadd yr Eglwys, Stryd y Gwynt am 10 -12

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