Sunday, 23 June 2013

Carmarthenshire's Fairtrade Way

Children from Ammanford Nursery and Ysgol Bro Banw lined the route and sang and danced as forty Fairtrade campaigners started their marathon ramble along the Carmarthenshire Fairtrade Way which joins the Fairtrade Towns of Ammanford and Carmarthen.
Staff from Co-Operative's Ammanford and Carmarthenshire stores joined Oxfam volunteers and Fairtrade campaigners from Swansea and Carmarthenshire, including a group of Amman Valley sixth form students, on the awareness raising walk. 
The walk included stops at community shops and cafes in Trap and Dryslwyn, and at Llandeilo Primary School, where the walkers were welcomed with a performance by the school's Samba band.
Walk organiser Phil Broadhurst said : "When the date for the walk was first arranged there were just 4 or 5 of us doing it. The way the idea took off has been fantastic. The amount of people, from across the community, who got involved has made it a massive success. We've had schools, businesses and community groups all getting involved, as well as individual and group campaigners.
"From first meeting up in i-smooth community cafe at 9am, it was over twelve hours of determined, but fun, Fairtrade awareness raising. From Ysgol Bro Banw's newly written Fairtrade song which they sang outside Ammanford Co-Op as we set off on the walk, to us at the end, collapsed outside Carmarthen Co-Op, but still handing out leaflets to passers by, we kept the message going all the way; that buying Fairtrade products is the only way to guarantee that the producers of those products have really had a fair deal."
The walkers were helped on their way by a Fair Trade Wales support car which was filled with water bottles donated by Ammanford and Llandeilo Co-Operative stores and Menter Bro Dinefwr. The Co-Operative stores also donated Fairtrade snack bars, and, along the route and at the end in Carmarthen's Oxfam shop, walkers were treated to foot massages using Fairtrade Foot Lotion donated by Lush.
For more information on the Carmarthenshire Fair Trade Way, which has been developed with the help of Carmarthenshire's Countryside Rangers, go to  /

Ffordd Masnach Deg Sir Gâr

Roedd plant Ysgol Feithrin Rhydaman ac Ysgol Bro Banw yn canu a dawnsio wrth i bedwar deg o gefnogwyr masnach deg ddechrau ar eu taith ar hyd Llwybr Masnach Deg Sir Gâr.

Llwybr sydd yn uno trefi masnach deg Rhydaman a Chaerfyrddin yw hwn.

Ymunodd staff o Co-op Rhydaman a Chaerfyrddin gyda gwirfoddolwyr Oxfam ac ymgyrchwyr masnach deg  o Abertawe a Sir Gaerfyrddin, ynghyd a myfyrwyr chweched dosbarth Ysgol Dyffryn Aman i gerdded a chodi ymwybyddiaeth am fasnach deg.

 Roedd y daith yn cynnwys stop yng nghaffis masnach deg Trap a Dryslwyn, ac Ysgol Gynradd Llandeilo ble roedd band Samba’r ysgol yn croesawu’r cerddwyr.

Dywedodd Phil Broadhurst, trefnydd y daith

“Pan gyhoeddwyd y dyddiad ar gyfer y daith roeddwn yn disgwyl tua 4 neu 5 o ni gerdded. Mae’r ffordd wnaeth y syniad gydio yn wych. Mae’r nifer o bobl, ar draws y gymuned, sydd wedi ymateb mewn gwahanol ffyrdd wedi bod yn lwyddiant arbennig. Cawsom ysgolion, busnesau, grwpaiu cymunedol ac unigolion i gyd yn cymryd rhan”.

O’r dechrau yn caffi i-smooth Rhdyaman am 9 tan tua 12 awr wedyn roedd yr cerddwyr yn llawn hwyliau da ac yn rhoi taflenni allan ar hyd y daith i hyrwyddo masnach deg gan sicrhau bod y neges mai trwy fasnachu yn deg yw’r unig ffordd o sicrhau bod cynhyrchwyr yn cael pris teg am eu cynnyrch.

Am fwy o wybodaeth am y teithiau sydd yn rhan o Ffyrdd masnach Deg Cymru ewch i’r wefan –


Thursday, 20 June 2013

LUSH helps fairtrade walk

SWANSEA'S Lush shop donated pots of its foot cream for people taking part in the Carmarthenshire Fairtrade Way Walk on Wednesday
The walk, which began in Ammanford and end in Carmarthen, is the first Fairtrade Way in Wales, and forms part of a UK-wide network of routes which  we hope will raise the awareness of Fairtrade among walkers and ramblers.
Phil Broadhurst, Ammanford Fairtrade gropu member  said: "We're hoping the Fairtrade Ways will encourage walkers to fill their flasks with Fairtrade drinks and their rucksacks with Fairtrade snacks. And using Lush Fairtrade foot lotion at the end of a long day's walk sounds perfect too."

Read more:

Monday, 10 June 2013


Fairtrade supporters (everyone is welcome!) will be walking the Carmarthenshire Fair Trade Way, which runs from Ammanford to Carmarthen via Llandeilo.
We will be meeting at i-smooth community cafe in College Street, Ammanford from 9am, to leave from the front of the Co-Op (opposite) at 9.30am.
Bring an empty flask to i-smooth and get it filled with fairtrade tea, coffee or hot chocolate for free courtesy of Ammanford Fairtrade Group!
With stops at community cafes in Trap and Dryslwyn, and a school samba band marching with us through Llandeilo, this will be fun fairtrade campaigning!!
If you think a 20 mile-plus walk isn’t fun, then you are welcome to join us for a part of it; Either join us at the beginning and walk as far as you like, or get in touch before for rough timings of places where you could join in.
Contact Phil at if you would like to join us for some or all of the way.


Bydd cefnogwyr Masnach Deg, ac mae croeso cynnes i bawb, yn cerdded y Taith Masnach Deg Sir Gaerfyrddin, sydd yn rhedeg o Rhydaman i Gaerfyrddin, trwy Llandeilo. Byddwn yn cyfarfod yng nghaffi cymunedol i-smooth yn stryd y Coleg, Rhydaman o 9.00am, er mwyn gadael o du allan i’r Co-op am 9.30 Dewch a fflasg wag i i-smooth er mwyn ei llenwi gyda te masnach deg, neu goffi neu siocled twym.
Byddwn yn stopi yng nghaffis cymunedol Trap a Dryslwyn, a bydd band samba yn cerdded gyda ni trwy Llandeilo. Bydd hwn yn ddiwrnod llawn hwyl tra’n ymgyrhcu dros Fasnach Deg.
Os ydych yn teimlo bod 20 milltir yn ormod pam na ddewch chi am ran o’r ffordd yn unig. Cysylltwch a n ii gael syniad o’r amserau. Cysylltwch a Phil at

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Saturday 8th June - Fair Trade Wales Conference at The Liberty Stadium.

All Welcome! Don't worry if you get this late and you've not registered - Just turn up. Agenda and details below.

There will be a film about Wales as a Fair Trade Nation which includes footage from this year's fairtrade banana split and the meeting we had afterwards in i-smooth with banana farmer Sandra Joseph.

We will also have a stall at the conference promoting the Fair Trade Ways, including the new leaflet showing the routes around Ammanford.

Fair Trade Nation Conference
This one-day conference aims to educate, motivate, inspire and celebrate.

Outline Agenda

 when: 8th June 2013

Where: Liberty Stadium, Swansea, Wales
9.45am Registration with Fair Trade refreshments

An opportunity to network and to browse the stalls

 10.30am Welcome & Setting the scene including National Campaigner Committee Elections ( Fairtrade Foundation)
11.15am The Future of Fair Trade and the role of a nation

An opportunity to establish what's next for fair trade and the people involved in the fair trade nation campaign. What do we need to do, and how do we do it?

 12.15pm Workshops

From procurement to producers, commercial to campaigning, these workshops aim to educate, motivate, inspire, share good practice and support you to feel connected

 1.15pm Lunch & networking

A fair trade and local lunch with an opportunity to network and browse the stalls

2.25pm Case study – Video from Red Cafe, Swansea

 2.30pm Workshops – Repeat

3.45pm Round up - The now and the next

4.15pm Elections

4.30pm Live Link to Fairtrade Producer

5.15pm The Future

5.30pm Close

This is a free conference. If travel costs are a barrier to your attendance please email

Supported by the Welsh Government and the Fairtrade Foundation


Sadwrn 8 Mehefin – Cynhadledd Masnach Deg Cymru yn y Liberty, Abertawe

Croeso i bawb. Peidiwch a phoeni os nad ydych wedi cofrestru – dim ond troi lan sydd angen. Mae’r cofrestru am 9.45 gyda’r gynahdled dyn dechrau am 10.30

Bydd yna ffilm am Gymjru fel Gwlad masnach Deg syd dyn cynnwys banan sblit enfawr Rhydaman a’r cyfarfod wedi hynny yng nghaffi i-Smooth gyda’r ffermwraig banana Sandra Joseph.

Hefyd bydd gennym stondin yn y Gynhadledd yn hyrwyddo Ffyrdd masnach Deg, gan gynnwys pamffled yn dangos y Teithiau o Rhydaman.