Saturday 8th June - Fair Trade Wales Conference at The Liberty Stadium.
All Welcome! Don't worry if you get this late and you've not registered
- Just turn up. Agenda and details below.
There will be a film about Wales as a Fair Trade Nation which includes
footage from this year's fairtrade banana split and the meeting we had
afterwards in i-smooth with banana farmer Sandra Joseph.
We will also have a stall at the conference promoting the Fair Trade
Ways, including the new leaflet showing the routes around Ammanford.
Trade Nation Conference
This one-day conference aims to educate, motivate,
inspire and celebrate.Outline Agenda
when: 8th June 2013
Where: Liberty Stadium, Swansea,
9.45am Registration with Fair
Trade refreshments
An opportunity
to network and to browse the stalls
10.30am Welcome & Setting the
scene including National
Campaigner Committee Elections (
Fairtrade Foundation)
11.15am The Future of Fair Trade
and the role of a nation
An opportunity
to establish what's next for fair trade and the
people involved in the fair trade nation campaign.
What do we need to do, and how do we do
12.15pm Workshops
procurement to producers, commercial to campaigning, these workshops aim to
educate, motivate, inspire, share good practice and support you to feel
1.15pm Lunch &
A fair trade and local lunch with an opportunity to
network and browse the
2.25pm Case study – Video from
Red Cafe, Swansea
2.30pm Workshops –
3.45pm Round up - The now and
the next
4.15pm Elections
4.30pm Live Link to Fairtrade
5.15pm The
5.30pm Close
This is a free conference. If
travel costs are a barrier to your attendance please email
Supported by the Welsh Government
and the Fairtrade Foundation
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